Risikofaktoren bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in England und Wales. Eine aktuelle Untersuchung

Young people's safety and well-being Changes to the risk factors children and young people face

A government-commissioned research report identifies that risk-taking behaviour/outcomes among young people such as drinking, drug use and teenage pregnancy are on the decline, but that stress, anxiety, depression and eating disorders are likely to be the biggest risk factors facing young people in coming years.

The findings of the report emphasise the importance of practitioners remaining alert to a range of risk-taking behaviours that children and young people may demonstrate.
This applies throughout the child’s journey through the youth justice system, in custody, as much as in the community.

Find out how to identify and respond to risks to young people’s safety and well-being >> http://youthjusticeboard.newsweaver.co.uk/1wrhdhw949i1xg7pj3a3tl?email=t...