Englische Regierung bekräftigt zentrale Reformanliegen für Strafverfolgung und Strafjustiz einschließlich der Sozialen Dienste der Justiz

 13 Policies on Crime and Policing

Crime must be reduced and prevented to ensure people feel safe in their homes and communities.
The government supports visible, responsive and accountable policing by empowering the public and freeing up the police to fight crime.

9 Policies on Law and the Justice System

The legal system must uphold fairness in society: both in business and for individuals.
We want to ensure justice for victims of crime and better rehabilitation for criminals, with a reduction in the rate of reoffending.

The justice system must punish the guilty, protect our liberties and rehabilitate offenders.
We will ensure that more criminals make amends to victims and communities for the harm they have caused and help them break the destructive cycle of crime.