Aktualisierte interaktive Datenbank zu Strafverfolgung, Aburteilung und Strafvollzug
2014 data added to the Federal Criminal Case Processing Statistics (FCCPS) tool on BJS.gov
You can access data on suspects and defendants processed in the federal criminal justice system, including the areas of—
Users can also look up data based on title and section of the U.S. Criminal Code. Data are from BJS's Federal Justice Statistics Resource Center, which compiles comprehensive information describing persons processed in the federal criminal justice system, ranging from arrest to reentry.
Diese Arbeitspapiere (im Jahr 2017 zu bislang 16 Themen) sind als „Impuls für aktuelle sicherheitspolitische Debatten“ gedacht.
Zu den Themen gehören beispielsweise auch die Bekämpfung des internationalen Terrorismus und der Einsatz der Bundeswehr im Inneren.
Eine vollständige Auflistung der frei als PDF-Dokumente zugänglichen Themenhefte findet sich unter:
Special Issues of the
Journal of Interpersonal Violence- Volume: 32, Number: 12 (June 2017)
Foreword for Special Issue on the FRA’s European Union–Wide Survey on Violence Against Women Joanna Goodey
Violence Against Women: Placing Evidence From a European Union–Wide Survey in a Policy Context Joanna Goodey
Sexual Harassment in the European Union: A Pervasive but Still Hidden Form of Gender-Based Violence Rossalina Latcheva
Determinants of Intimate Partner Violence in Europe: The Role of Socioeconomic Status, Inequality, and Partner Behavior David Reichel
The Relation Between Violence Experienced in Childhood and Women’s Exposure to Violence in Later Life: Evidence From Europe Ursula Till-Tentschert