Oktober 2015

WHO | Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence

Nicht nur vergleichend wichtige Studie in den USA: Verlaufanalysen bei Strafgefangenen

Risikofaktoren bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in England und Wales. Eine aktuelle Untersuchung

Stellt die frühe Kindheit Weichen?

The participation of social services in youth justice systems in Europe

Epigenetik in der Genetik: Können lebensgeschichtliche Prägungen oder erworbene Eigenschaften doch vererbt werden? Rehabilitation von Lamarck auch in kriminologischen Fragen?

Todesfälle unter inhaftierten Jugendlichen in den USA

Sexuelle Gewalt an Amerikanischen Universitäten_Studie zu Tätern und Opfern

USA Prisoners in 2014

New website of the Asia-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice

WHO | Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence

Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence


Each year an estimated 200 000 young people aged 10–29 years are murdered, making homicide the fourth leading cause of death for this age group. Millions more sustain violence-related injuries that require emergency medical treatment, and countless others go on to develop mental health problems and adopt high-risk behaviours such as smoking and alcohol and drug abuse as a result the violence they experience.

Produced with the financial support of the Jacobs Foundation, German International Cooperation, and the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Preventing youth violence: an overview of the evidence aims to help policymakers and planners – particularly in settings with limited human and financial resources – to address youth violence using an evidence-informed approach.

Twenty-one strategies to prevent youth violence are reviewed, including programmes relating to parenting, early childhood development, and social skills development, as well as policies related to the harmful use of alcohol, problem oriented policing, and urban upgrading.

Infographic on youth violence

(Quelle: WHO, Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland, Press Release 27 October, 2015)

Nicht nur vergleichend wichtige Studie in den USA: Verlaufanalysen bei Strafgefangenen

Multistate Criminal History Patterns of Prisoners Released in 30 States
(NCJ 248942)

is now available on BJS.gov.

This report examines the multistate criminal history patterns of persons released from prisons in 30 states in 2005, including—

  • characteristics of released prisoners whose criminal careers are in one or multiple states
  • the differences between prisoner recidivism rates based on national criminal history records and those rates based only on criminal history records from within the state that released the prisoner
  • factors affecting the likelihood of prisoners being arrested in another state following release.

Findings are based on prisoner records from BJS’s National Corrections Reporting Program and on criminal history records from the FBI and state repositories. Download the report as PDF-File:

Risikofaktoren bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in England und Wales. Eine aktuelle Untersuchung

Young people's safety and well-being Changes to the risk factors children and young people face

A government-commissioned research report identifies that risk-taking behaviour/outcomes among young people such as drinking, drug use and teenage pregnancy are on the decline, but that stress, anxiety, depression and eating disorders are likely to be the biggest risk factors facing young people in coming years.

The findings of the report emphasise the importance of practitioners remaining alert to a range of risk-taking behaviours that children and young people may demonstrate.
This applies throughout the child’s journey through the youth justice system, in custody, as much as in the community.

Find out how to identify and respond to risks to young people’s safety and well-being >> http://youthjusticeboard.newsweaver.co.uk/1wrhdhw949i1xg7pj3a3tl?email=t...

Stellt die frühe Kindheit Weichen?

Im September 2015 haben das Institut für Psychosomatische Kooperationsforschung und Familientherapie des Universitätsklinikums Heidelberg und das Nationale Zentrum Frühe Hilfen (NZFH) zu einer Tagung zum Thema „Stellt die frühe Kindheit Weichen?“ eingeladen.

Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler unterschiedlicher Disziplinen aus dem In- und Ausland stellten neueste Erkenntnisse vor, die die besondere Bedeutung der frühen Kindheit für das spätere Leben belegen. Zugleich wurden Wege zu einer Unterstützung von Eltern aufgezeigt. Dazu ist eine Publikation namens "Tagungsbegleiter" erstellt worden. Die Publikation dokumentiert die meisten Vorträge kurz und prägnant und gibt Hinweise auf weiterführende Literatur.

Der Tagungsbegleiter enthält Zusammenfassungen der Vorträge zu den Themen:

  • Psychosoziale Prävention
  • Sensible Entwicklungsfenster in den ersten Lebensjahren: Beispiele, Erklärungen, Implikationen
  • Epigenetic Mechanismus Matter in Child Development
  • Auswirkungen lebensgeschichtlich früher Stresserfahrung auf Gesundheit und Krankheitsrisiko
  • Belastungs- und Versorgungslagen von Familien mit Säuglingen und Kleinkindern im Spiegel der deutschen Prävalenzstudie
  • Die Entwicklung von Kindern bei unterschiedlicher familiärer Belastung: Bindungsdynamik im transaktionalen Entwicklungsprozess
  • Wie das Gehirn die Seele macht
  • Gesundheitliche Langzeitfolgen psychischer Traumatisierung in Kindheit und Jugend
  • Forschung für und mit hoch belasteten Familien

Die Publikation im quadratischen Format umfasst 82 Seiten. Herausgegeben vom Nationalen Zentrum Frühe Hilfen (NZFH) Köln 2015 ISBN 978-3-942816-70-0. Kostenlos über Bestellung oder über direkten Download der PDF-Version unter folgender URL:


The participation of social services in youth justice systems in Europe

The participation of social services in youth justice systems in Europe

Stephanie Elaine Rapa

European Journal of Social Work

Volume 18, Issue 5, 2015, pages 675-689


This article considers the participation of social services in youth justice systems in 11 European countries. In international children's rights instruments, the importance of the assessment of the background situation of juvenile defendants is acknowledged.

In this article, three models for social work participation are proposed, on the basis of the distinction between adversarial and inquisitorial legal traditions and welfare and justice approaches towards youth justice.

In the welfare model, social workers play the most active role in the youth justice process, whereas in the justice model, social workers have the least active role.

In between, a mixed model can be found in which social workers play an active role in the youth justice system only to some extent.


Epigenetik in der Genetik: Können lebensgeschichtliche Prägungen oder erworbene Eigenschaften doch vererbt werden? Rehabilitation von Lamarck auch in kriminologischen Fragen?

Eine aktuelle systematische Analyse zur Anlage-Umwelt-Wirkung oder hier genauer Umwelt-Anlage-Wirkung im Journal „Behavioral Sciences and the Law“

The Vindication of Lamarck? Epigenetics at the Intersection of Law and Mental Health

Matt DeLisi Ph.D.* and Michael G. Vaughn Ph.D.

Article first published online: 21 SEP 2015. DOI: 10.1002/bsl.2206


Research on epigenetic mechanisms is gaining traction, yet is poorly understood by criminologists and behavioral scientists. The current objective is to review relevant studies of interest to behavioral scientists who study crime, and to translate admittedly challenging scientific information into text that is digestible to the average criminologist.

Using systematic search procedures the authors identified and reviewed 41 studies of epigenetic mechanisms in psychiatric and behavioral phenotypes among humans.

Findings revealed significant epigenetic effects in an assortment of genes that are implicated in the etiology of depression, suicidality, callous–unemotional traits, and chronic and intergenerational aggressive behavior.

Several polymorphisms that mediate the HPA axis, neurotransmission, immune response, brain development, serotonin synthesis, and other processes were found. Although prescriptive knowledge based on epigenetic findings to date is premature, epigenetics is a new and exciting scientific frontier not too different in spirit from Lamarck's observations centuries ago.

Quelle: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/bsl.2206/abstract

Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Todesfälle unter inhaftierten Jugendlichen in den USA

OJJDP Bulletin Examines

Violent Death in Delinquent Youth After Detention

OJJDP has released “Violent Death in Delinquent Youth After Detention.
” The bulletin is part of OJJDP's Beyond Detention series, which examines the results of the Northwestern Juvenile Project—a large-scale longitudinal study of youth detained at the Cook County Juvenile Temporary Detention Center in Chicago, IL. This bulletin provides an overview of mortality rates among youth enrolled in the project. The authors compare the significantly elevated mortality rates of delinquent youth with those of the general population according to racial/ethnic, gender, and age characteristics. Among the key findings, the majority of deaths among delinquent youth were homicides from gunshot wounds.

Resources: Find more bulletins in the Beyond Detention series. Bulletins from OJJDP’s Beyond Detention series are now available in EPUB and MOBI formats.

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Sexuelle Gewalt an Amerikanischen Universitäten_Studie zu Tätern und Opfern

Journal of Child and Family Studies

October 2015, Volume 24, Issue 10, pp 2827-2840

Sexual Assault Among College Students: Family of Origin Hostility, Attachment, and the Hook-Up Culture as Risk Factors

Tara E. Sutton
Leslie Gordon Simons


Sexual assault has been recognized as a major public health problem and social concern among college students for several decades. In response to the inadequacies of many universities to effectively address this problem, researchers, policy makers, and the public alike have recently called for greater attention to reducing the high rates of sexual violence against college women.

The present study expands on the current literature by investigating familial, individual, and sociocultural risk factors for sexual assault. Specifically, we examine insecure adult attachment styles and the hook-up culture on college campuses as mediators in the relationship between family of origin aggression and sexual assault perpetration by men and victimization among women.

Research questions were addressed with a sample of 624 college undergraduates (54 % women).

Consistent with hypotheses, results of structural equation modeling indicated that an avoidant attachment style and participation in the hook-up culture accounted for the relationship between exposure to interparental hostility and sexual assault perpetration by men and victimization among women.

Further, among women, an anxious attachment style accounted for the relationship between harsh parenting and victimization.

These findings have important implications for future research, relationship education programs for parents and young adults, and preventative interventions. For example, parents can learn about the risks of exposing their offspring to hostility and aggression while adolescents and young adults may benefit from relationship education programs that help establish healthy working models of relationships.

Quelle: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10826-014-0087-1?wt_mc=alerts....

USA Prisoners in 2014

Prisoners in 2014 (NCJ 248955)

is now available on BJS.gov. This report examines final counts of prisoners under the jurisdiction of state and federal correctional authorities on December 31, 2014, including

  • the number of prison admissions, releases, noncitizen inmates, and inmates age 17 or younger in the custody of state or federal prisons
  • prison capacity for each state and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP),
  • the use of private prisons by state and the BOP,
  • the offense and demographic characteristics of yearend federal and state prison populations,
  • yearend counts for territorial and military correctional populations.

Findings are based on data collected from the National Prisoner Statistics Program.

Download the Report

Download the Report Summary

BJS also updated its dynamic online Corrections Statistical Analysis Tool with 2014 data on prisoners. You can analyze prisoner data by yearend populations, admissions, releases, and many other prisoner characteristics.

Access CSAT - Prisoners



New website of the Asia-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice

International Juvenile Justice Observatory (OIJJ)

Asia-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice (APCJJ)

New website of the Asia-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice

This new website of the Asia-Pacific Council for Juvenile Justice (APCJJ) will be the primary means of keeping up to date with the Council’s activities and makeup, as well as a platform for collaboration among its members.

Featuring a presentation of the Council’s activities, members, as well as details of its meetings, the website is designed to facilitate the exchange of relevant knowledge between members and relevant stakeholders in the region. [+]