Dezember 2014

Englische Regierung bekräftigt zentrale Reformanliegen für Strafverfolgung und Strafjustiz einschließlich der Sozialen Dienste der Justiz

Regierungsbericht über Inkraft-Treten der grundlegenden Strukturreform der englischen Bewährungshilfe

Berechnungen zu den Kosten der Kriminalität: Aktuelles Beispiel Australien

Englische Regierung bekräftigt zentrale Reformanliegen für Strafverfolgung und Strafjustiz einschließlich der Sozialen Dienste der Justiz

 13 Policies on Crime and Policing

Crime must be reduced and prevented to ensure people feel safe in their homes and communities.
The government supports visible, responsive and accountable policing by empowering the public and freeing up the police to fight crime.

9 Policies on Law and the Justice System

The legal system must uphold fairness in society: both in business and for individuals.
We want to ensure justice for victims of crime and better rehabilitation for criminals, with a reduction in the rate of reoffending.

The justice system must punish the guilty, protect our liberties and rehabilitate offenders.
We will ensure that more criminals make amends to victims and communities for the harm they have caused and help them break the destructive cycle of crime.

Regierungsbericht über Inkraft-Treten der grundlegenden Strukturreform der englischen Bewährungshilfe:

Reports on probation reforms show strong progress is being made


As part of our phased approach to rolling out crucial reforms to rehabilitation aimed at bringing down reoffending rates, the government has released the outcome of a report showing the progress made in preparing for the next stage of the reforms.

This is part of a programme of testing to ensure that the reforms are implemented in a measured way, ensuring public safety at every stage.

The report demonstrates the significant progress that continues to be made since new probation structures went live in June this year. This saw 21 new regional Community Rehabilitation Companies (CRCs) created to focus on turning round the lives of medium and low risk offenders and a new National Probation Service (NPS) to protect the public from high-risk offenders.

Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said:

Public safety is a key priority and we have tested our progress at every stage while rolling out these crucial reforms to rehabilitation.

The wide range of information we have published demonstrates how closely we are monitoring the system to ensure that performance levels are maintained.

Reoffending rates have been too high for too long, and we must act now to turn the tide on this unacceptable problem.

The government is bringing together a much wider range of organisations from the private, public and voluntary sectors to bring new ideas to turning round the lives of offenders. They will provide an unprecedented level of support for offenders released from sentences of less than 12 months. This group currently gets no statutory post-prison supervision and returns to crime at an alarming rate. Nearly 60% reoffend within a year of release.

The CRCs will remain in the public sector until new providers take over in early 2015. This bedding-in period was designed to ensure a smooth handover to the new arrangements, and the information published today shows the strong progress being made.

The ‘preferred bidders’ who are set to lead the new fight against reoffending were announced in October this year, and the voluntary sector are set to be at the forefront of the new approach.

Almost all of the 21 CRC areas will be led by new partnerships and joint ventures between private sector firms and some of Britain’s biggest and most successful rehabilitation charities.

Providers will only be paid in full if they are successful at reducing reoffending, helping drive innovation and getting best value for taxpayer

Pressemitteilung des Justizministeriums vom 2.12.2014
Mehr Details unter:
3) Offender Rehabilitation Act 2014:

Berechnungen zu den Kosten der Kriminalität: Aktuelles Beispiel Australien


Counting the costs of crime in Australia: A 2011 estimate

Research in Policy and Practice no.129

The Minister for Justice, Mr Michael Keenan MP, has released Counting the costs of crime in Australia: A 2011 estimate,
the fifth in a series by the Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) on the cost of crime to our community.

In 2011, the most costly crimes to the community were:

    • Fraud ($6b)
    • Drug Abuse ($3b)
    • Assault ($3b)
    • Criminal Damage (vandalism and graffiti) ($2.7b)
    • Arson ($2.2b)

The estimated total cost of crime in 2011 was $47.6b or 3.4 percent of national GDP – this represents a 49% increase since 2001, where the total cost of crime was calculated as $31.8b (3.8% GDP).
However, in terms of percentage of GDP, the overall cost of crime decreased over the period 2001 to 2011.
The most extensive costs come from administering criminal justice agencies (police, courts and corrections), assisting victims, insurance and greater investment on crime prevention measures.
These costs doubled, from $12.8b to $24.6b, between 2001 and 2011. For the 2011 estimates, however, additional Government agency costs were included in the calculations, which explain some of the increas

 The report is available on the AIC website